Spiritual Medium 

Akashic Reader & Teacher

Intuitive Reader & Teacher

Holistic Massage

Reiki Master

 Conduit Soul Coach

Laura Haslen

Spirit Hands Healing

Information and Insight received is always for the Greatest Good for All and The Highest Intentions of All

In-Person in Glenboro, Zoom, FaceTime, Phone Call, Google Meet, WhatsApp or Email

Medium Readings-

A Mediumship Reading is for connecting with your Loved Ones to come through in a loving caring session for

deeper peace, forgiveness, answers, connection, guidance and healing.

Individual Readings- 30mins $125 $95  60mins $225 $190

Private Group Rates- 

2 People 30mins $165   60mins $255

3 People 30mins $195   60mins $285

4 People 60mins $315   90mins $395

*For more than 4 people, please message me. Thank you

Animal/Pet Medium Reading 30mins $75

  Akashic Records Reading- 30mins $95 $75  60mins $175 $150  90mins $225 2hours $275

Akashic Records are a heart's tool to connect with deeper healing, alternative perspectives and spiritual guidance to guide you with understanding specific current challenges accessed through Your Book Of Life. 

Intuitive/Spiritual Reading-30mins $95 $75  60mins $175 $150  90mins $225 2hours $275 

Intuitive/Spiritual Readings connect with Angels, Spirit Guides, Animal Spirit Guides, Spiritual Teachers, Spiritual Healers and other Loving High Vibrational Beings. Creating healing, peace, closure, understanding, forgiveness, acceptance and other positive aspects.

Past Life Readings- 30mins $95 $75  60mins $175 $150 90mins $225  2hours $275 

Exploring, healing, connecting, understanding, and more with Past Life Readings. They are able to help us connect the dots, lovingly release/heal possible karmic bonds, better understand current issues or struggles, help to alleviate phobias, health, stressors, or conflict. It is a great tool to become aware of more abilities and bring forward our strengths, etc.

Oracle Card Readings- 30 mins $65   60mins $125

Zoom, Email or In-Person. Card Layout options available or focused on your subject.

February Oracle Card Special- Celtic Cross Spread-(10 Cards) Emailed $80 Reg $125

Book Online or E-Transfer/PayPal $80 to spirithandshealing@yahoo.ca 

Mini Oracle Card Monthly Reading

A personalized monthly emailed Mini Oracle Card Reading focused on the Month's Energy for you.

$20 plus GST ($21.00)  Please add your email address in Notes/Memo

E-Transfer or PayPal $21 to Spirithandshealing@yahoo.ca

OR Purchase from Link 


Soul Blueprint Readings- February Special

Soul Blueprint Readings are unique and specialized readings to help you further piece together your 'Puzzle of Self'

within the many layers throughout your life. The insight encourages you to embrace your shadows, gifts and natural essence. 

Soul BluePrint readings are life changing for those that are ready to delve deeper into your Soul's Truths. 

Booklet Included

2hours $330 SPECIAL $295

3hours $450 SPECIAL $395

4hours $575 SPECIAL $495



Holistic Massages-

Rejuvenating holistic intuitive body massages to unwind and treat Self to a spa-like treatment. A cushioned heated massage table,

dimly lit Northern Lights Massage room, calming music, aromatherapy, 'Soulitude' (very limited conversation), rhythmic massage movements all to blissfully guide you into a deep state of restorative peacefulness. 

Non Claimable for Insurance Purposes. Aromatherapy or non scented massage available.

Restorative Spa-Like Relaxation Massage- 

60mins $65 $45  90mins $95 $65  2hours $125A deeply relaxing intuitive massage to soothe the Body, Mind, Heart and Soul. A true gift of self care and escape.

Hot Stone Massage- 60mins $80 $60  90mins $110 $85

A rhythmic restorative massage with the added benefits of heated basalt stones to encourage releasing tension and stress.

Self Care Escape- 90mins $110 $95.00 

60min Restorative Massage and 30min Reiki 

Holistic Massage SPA SPECIAL-  2hours  $145 $125 

Heated Salt Foot Bliss, Refreshing Drink, Restorative Massage, Head and Foot Massage, Aromatherapy, Soulitude and more.

Soul Spa Bliss   2hours $165 $110

A 60min Restorative Massage, 30min Reiki & 30min Sound Healing

Soothe The Soul   2hours $185-$210 $135  

A 30min Reading, 60min Restorative Massage & 30min Reiki 

RainDrop Massage 90mins $110  $90 

RainDrop Massage is a unique detoxing style of back, neck and foot massage with the blending of Essential Oils and Tibetan Reflexology.

Energy Healing

Reiki (Heart Centered Healing)Reiki (Ray-Kee) is an ancient healing energy technique that intuitively encourages the client's own body's innate healing abilities. This healing energy

gently flows to creates the deeper state of peace, harmony, joy, calmness, restoration, healing and pain relief. Reiki may also promote restful sleep,

relieve the sensation of stress, anxiety or depression throughout the Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit. Reiki is beneficial for palliative clients, or pre-surgery, post-surgery, pregnancy, post partum, migraines, emotional overload, exhaustion, recovery, end of work week treat, and for simply Just Because days! 

Reiki may also be done Remotely (Long Distant) where the client is relaxing at their home during the session time or over Zoom or FaceTime..

These sessions may be done for clients anywhere in the world.

*Drum Healing, Crystals, Aromatherapy, Angel Reiki, or Sound Healing are also available for Reiki In-Person, please ask for more info.

Reiki In-Person or Remote- 30mins $50 $30  60mins $75 $50 90mins $95

Healing Hypnotherapy Intro Special- 30min $25  60mins $50 90mins $75

A gently guided session to heal, forgive, understand or resolve to align with the session's focus.

Reiki & Healing Hypnotherapy Special- 90mins $125 $95 

This special is a mini Healing Hypnotherapy session that ends with Reiki healing.

This session can be done In-Person or Online through Zoom or Facetime.

Elemental Light Touch Healing Massage Special- 60mins $65 $50 

This session is done with the client clothed and relaxing on the heated massage table under blanket. I lightly touch the client in a variety of techniques focused on balancing their Elemental Energies, Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Plant, Animal and Human/Spirit Energies. It is very relaxing, harmonizing and rejuvenating.

*Animal Reiki- 30mins $50  60mins $75

An Animal Reiki -Remote session benefits on many levels including pain management, aligning energies, releasing trapped emotions, increasing healing abilities, removing any influencing blocks, lessening stress and communicating to find out their needs.  

This session can be done to animals anywhere in the world. A report will be sent after with the overview of the session.

For In-Person Sessions locally, please contact me.

Animal Reiki Course TBA  $275

Want to learn how to do Reiki sessions on your own animals, offer it to others, volunteer healing at rescue/shelter or add Animal Reiki to your Healing Services? Please contact me for my next Online or In-Person Course. This one day course is for anyone who would love to help comfort and ease the lives of animals and their owners.

Intuitive Soul Coaching

"Raising the Phoenix Within"   

Discovering Your Pathways to Rising Above.

*Payment Plans available for 1 on 1 Coaching*     In-Person, FaceTime or Zoom Coaching

-Unlocking Personal Happiness Life Coaching

7 Weeks of Personal Happiness Life Coaching.

Personalized Coaching Goals to encourage more joy, happiness, and peace naturally into your everyday life.

 $1150  7 x 60min Weekly 1-1 Online Coaching Sessions, and Weekly Workbook 

-Grief Coaching   

6 Weeks of embracing forward movement through your grief.,

Whether from loss of a loved one, a career, a relationship or simply life. Grief Coaching is supportive of open conversation,

goal setting, creating inner tools to support self, mindfulness to best support your journey and deeper understanding.

Sessions may be booked weekly, biweekly or monthly.

 $495  6x30min Coaching Sessions (Online or in-Person)

-Soul Coaching

Personal 1-1 Soul Coaching or Mentoring available.

Ready to rise up through your own personal transformation? 

Looking forward to igniting your Inner Light? Open minded to personally

make changes that better align with your highest good?

6-30min sessions $495     10-30min session$750

     6-60min sessions $990 

10-60min sessions $1500

"Breakthrough Session" 90min $275 Special $225

Ready to Rise Up? Move forward? Create a Breakthrough? 

A great tool to work through any blocks to naturally become more

successful, peaceful or happier while staying committed to 

your new pathway or goals. This is a personalized session to work through

any possible beliefs, doubts, or hesitations that may be hindering

your own potential, healing, success, growth, grief or forgiving.

"Embracing Abundance Session" 90min $275  Special $225

Ready to embrace more physical, mental, emotional, health,

energetic and financial abundance? Let's explore the obstacles and 

beliefs to increase your overall wellbeing and abundance! 

*Great for Personal Business Potential as well.

NEW- "Beyond The Pen" Soul Coaching

This program is focused on self exploration, self healing and self awareness through Soul Journaling,

Creative Healing Exercises, Guided Meditation/Healing Hypnotherapy, and Soul Coaching Exercises.

12 weekly 30min Sessions, Workbook, Healing and Heartwork (Homework)

 $777 Special $595

Conduit -a messenger for connecting people, insight, harmony and alignment.

Intuitive Soul Coaching -Reflecting, Reviewing, Resetting, Accepting, Embracing. 

Heart Based Encouragement to Rise Up in Body, Mind, Spirit, Heart and  Soul. 

Laura Haslen

Spirit Hands Healing

Book Online or Email me to arrange an appointment.

Credit Card, Debit Card, Cash, Apple Pay, Google Pay, E-Transfer or PayPal.

Holistic Massages

Laura Haslen

Spirit Hands Healing

Box 638 Glenboro, MB, Canada   R0K 0X0

49.606578, -99.277458  By Appt Only

204-526-0612 cell     spirithandshealing@yahoo.ca

Facebook     Spirit Hands Healing

Book Online    https://spirit-hands-healing.square.site

5% GST will be added

at Checkout

Circles & Events

Healing Group Zoom Circles

Thursdays 7:00-8:00PM CST Feb 6,13,20,27  

Special $15/per circle plus GST ($15.75) Reg $21

Limit of 10 participants. Anyone may join!

Join relax and rejuvenate in self healing and group healing energy.


Tuesday Soul Coaching Zoom Classes

Intuitive Tuesdays Series

Weekly Themes to reconnect with Self, explore your Inner World, gain insight and heal.

Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 CST 

Special $25/class plus GST ($26.25) Reg $35


Soulitude Day Retreats  TBA

Come relax and tune into Self, life and healing.

Nature, Sound Healing, Self Exploration, Insight, Guidance, Creativity, Group Healing

(Weather Permitting- Horse Meditation and Healing Circle!)

Saturday ______ 10:00-2:00PM Glenboro

Limit of 6 people per Retreat

$125 plus GST ($131.25)


February Specials in Red